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Dec. 6 2013
The Class III futures average has jumped 58 cents in just a month. The early Christmas cheer that dairy producers received two days ago - November's announced Class III price of $18.83 per hundredweight...
Oct. 16 2013
Webinar focuses on maximizing feed inputs. "The crop year's over ... now what?" That was the topic of the webinar on Monday, October 14. Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois, presented the webinar and...
Oct. 10 2013
We know how to calculate feed shrink. We don't know how to obtain accurate real-time measurements.Every dairy has a vested economic interest in reducing feed shrink. "Feed wastage occurs on-farm in four...
May 24 2013
"C'mon Charlie Brown, I'll hold the football and you kick it." The latest installment of California's longest-running dairy soap opera, "We're Begging You For More Money," unfolded again this week. On...
May 10 2013
Some are already gone. More will follow. The big question is, how many can be saved? The greatest milk-producing machine the U.S. dairy industry has ever seen is breaking down. Doomsday feed prices and...
April 26 2013
In back-to-back days, dairy celebrated sustainability efforts already in action and renewed focus on future projects. In honoring herds milking 50 cows all the way to those with several thousand, the Innovation...
Feb. 19 2013
The weather changes every day, there's no way around it. But is it a trend? Factors outside meteorologists, hurricanes and snowstorms can be offered as proof. I'm giving up on "climate consistency." That's...
Oct. 9 2012
"Rethinking your feeding options for 2013" was the topic of discussion on yesterday's (October) Hoard's Dairyman webinar presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois. Drought-stressed feed, low yields...
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July 26 2012
With half of the country now in a drought disaster area, if there was ever a year for dairy farmers to take reducing silage losses seriously, this is it. The most silage you have is when it is standing...
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Dec. 19 2011
One of the dairy industry's best-known personalities, Doug Maddox, passed away this morning in his office after a massive heart attack. A vibrant person until his last day, Doug had a personality that...
Sept. 19 2011
"For many corn growers, the 2011 growing season came to an end late last week over much of northern Wisconsin," notes University of Wisconsin's corn specialist, Joe Lauer. "Corn in many areas had not...
Dec. 14 2010
Winter is here. . . and so is the cold and snow that can be harmful to those of us who work outdoors with livestock. "Bundle up, dress in layers, put on your hat" are familiar sounds to many children who...
Dec. 13 2010
World Ag Expo's first permanent exhibit building, the Dairy Center, turns 20 this year and has been upgraded for 2011 in two very exciting ways: The dirt floor is now concrete, and the one remaining wall...